Thursday, May 24, 2012

Jordan Garay on Building an Internet Presence

In today’s society, an internet presence isn’t a frivolous waste of time, it’s a necessity.  With employers increasingly looking to the internet to get a better understanding of prospective employees and their characters, it’s important to effectively convey who you are.  Jordan Garay wants the world to know that he’s passionate about sports and donating to medical research.  

As an athlete preparing to spend 2012 on the competitive circuit at the world level, Jordan Garay feels a positive internet presence is more important than ever.  He wants those aspiring young athletes who may look up to him to see him as a mentor.  He wants to influence other positively.  The message that he wants to send to those who want to know more about him is that hard work is important in achieving one’s goals.  One must be willing to put in lots of sweat equity to get what one wants.  Just dreaming alone won’t get you there.

Jordan Garay feels that using social media to convey who one is a great way for others who may not have the opportunity to meet you to still feel inspired by you.  Sometimes just finding that you have that one thing in common with another person is enough to push you over a tough hump.  Jordan hopes that those who read about his donations to medical research will also feel inspired to become involved in their community and support those organizations that work to spread awareness for those causes they support.  It’s certainly one thing to say one supports a cause.  But to put your money where your mouth is proves to be a challenge indeed for many.  Jordan Garay believes that we aren’t just who we say but what we do.  

One place where Jordan Garay sees other students faltering in their internet presence is in being careful about not letting college antics become the overpowering image attached to your name.  Be careful about photos that you post on Facebook and with whom you share them.  Also, be careful about getting involved with word battles on Facebook and Twitter.  All too often, those types of spats are viewed as immature and trivial.  By maintaining a positive internet presence, it’s easy to share who we are with the world.